Prezentari PowerPoint din categoria 'Natura'

Omuleti de piatra, indicatoare de drum.

Omuleti de piatra ai gasim pretutindei pe munte. Ei ne insotesc, ne indica drumul si ne sfatuiesc in clipe grele. [...]

Cheile Tișiței

Cheile Tișiței - o rezervatie naturală din Muntii Vrancei,arie protejata de tip mixt (hidrogeomorfologic,forestier,floristic, faunistic si de peisaj).Rezervatia cuprinde cea mai mare parte a bazinului hidrografic al Tișiței (bazinul mijlociu si inferior al Tișiței).Raul Tișiței se formeaza din raurile Tișița Mica si Tișița Mare si se varsa in Raul Putna (in aval de localitatea Lepșa). [...]

Spiritul Cailor

Centrul de echitație ”Spiritul Cailor“ - Poiana Brașov este un centru nou și diferit, un loc în care veți învăța să interacționați, să înțelegeți și să învățați să iubiți natura alături de cei 16 cai cu boturi catifelate care vă așteaptă să le dați morcovi și să vă poarte în excursii prin păduri, pe dealuri și pe câmpuri verzi pline de flori. [...]

Wildlife of Africa (giraffe) - Steve

African fauna is, in a broader sense, all animals living in Africa, in the surrounding seas and on islands. The characteristic fauna is found mainly in the tropics, as well as north and south of the equator. Favorable conditions for the richness of the animal kingdom are created here. Africa is home to many well-known animal species. These include, for example, elephants, lions, rhinos, cheetahs, giraffes, leopards, zebras and others. We will gradually show the most famous in a series of present [...]

Czech Republic (Prachovské skály) - Steve

Prachov Rocks are a nature reserve and one of the symbols of the Bohemian Paradise. It is a sandstone rock city, which originated in the Mesozoic period as sediments on the edge of the sea. They are located approximately 7 km northwest of the town Jičín. They are easily accessible by road and also on foot along marked hiking trails. There are a number of viewpoints in the rocks, from which you can see the whole Bohemian Paradise as palm. The history of mountaineering in the Prachov Rocks has m [...]

Calatorind prin tara cantoanelor -La munte cu trenul .

Dece sa urcam pe munte pe jos ? Hai sa luam mai bine trenul ! Elvetia este cunoscuta ca fiind tara cu o retea feroviara unica in lume . Recorduri peste recorduri. Din multiplele retele de cale feriovara, am ales pentru dumneavoastra unele din cele mai frumoase si interesante rute feroviare. Un pps care, cred, ca satisface dorintele orcaruia indragostit ( si nu numai) de trenuri. Vizionalizare placuta [...]

Calatorind prin tara cantoanelor - cu trenul . Elvetia.

Elvetia, datorita reliefului muntos, detine cea mai frumoasa si intinsa retea de cale ferata din lume. Elvetia are peste 5.100 km. de retea feroviara ( 3.846 km. terasament normal si 1.500 km. linie ingusta si cu cremaliera). Peste 1,25 milioane pasageri folosesc zilnic cele 11.400 trenuri. Elvetia detine si alte multiple recorduri. Altitudine, poduri, viaducte, tuneluri etc. Este prima tara din lume in care toata reteaua feroviara este electrificata. Am ales pentru dumneavoastra doua din a [...]

Wildlife of Africa (oryx) - Steve

African fauna is, in a broader sense, all animals living in Africa, in the surrounding seas and on islands. The characteristic fauna is found mainly in the tropics, as well as north and south of the equator. Favorable conditions for the richness of the animal kingdom are created here. Africa is home to many well-known animal species. These include, for example, elephants, lions, rhinos, cheetahs, giraffes, leopards, zebras and others. We will gradually show the most famous in a series of present [...]

China (Huangshan National Park 1) - Steve

Huangshan is a mountain range located in the eastern part of China in the province of Anhui, covering an area of 154 km2. Much of the mountain's reputation stems from its importance in Chinese fine art and literature. It is characterized by sharp points of rock massifs, which were formed by glaciers. The rocks are overgrown with deformed Huangshan pines. They are tenacious trees, growing from rock cracks and living for over a hundred years. Mountain tops often offer a view of the clouds from abo [...]

Galapagos - Steve

The Galapagos Islands are an Ecuadorian province in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. It is an archipelago located on the equator about 1,000 km west of Ecuador. It consists of 14 larger volcanic islands. The largest island is Isabela. The archipelago has an area of 7,844 km² and about 31,000 inhabitants live there. The Galapagos were discovered by the Spanish in 1535. In the 17th and 18th centuries, pirates and travelers used the islands to replenish water supplies. In 1831, the British n [...]

Czech Republic (Bohemian Central Mountains) - Vladimír, Steve

The Bohemian Central Mountains (Böhmisches Mittelgebirge in German) is an area created by volcanic activity with an area of 1265 km². More than 84 % belong to the Protected Landscape Area, established in 1976. The highest point is Milešovka with a height of 836 m above sea level. The Elbe Valley forms the axis of the Central Highlands. The streams exposed the solidified subsurface magma and deepened the valley, thus the Bohemian Central Mountains acquired a majestic landscape character.. Fore [...]

Mi-este dor de acasa.

" Dorul este focul in care ard sperantele, dorintele, durerile, iar cenusa ce ramane reprezinta amintirile " Octavian Paler