
Membru din 11.09.2014, 0 abonati

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Prezentari: 158 prezentari
Prezentari proprii: 156 prezentari
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Comentarii: 16 comentarii

Ultimele prezentari primite de la Steve

Wildlife of Africa (giraffe) - Steve

African fauna is, in a broader sense, all animals living in Africa, in the surrounding seas and on islands. The characteristic fauna is found mainly in the tropics, as well as north and south of the equator. Favorable conditions for the richness of the animal kingdom are created here. Africa is home to many well-known animal species. These include, for example, elephants, lions, rhinos, cheetahs, giraffes, leopards, zebras and others. We will gradually show the most famous in a series of present [...]

Vizualizari: 316 in total, 6 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 40 in total

Czech Republic (Prachovské skály) - Steve

Prachov Rocks are a nature reserve and one of the symbols of the Bohemian Paradise. It is a sandstone rock city, which originated in the Mesozoic period as sediments on the edge of the sea. They are located approximately 7 km northwest of the town Jičín. They are easily accessible by road and also on foot along marked hiking trails. There are a number of viewpoints in the rocks, from which you can see the whole Bohemian Paradise as palm. The history of mountaineering in the Prachov Rocks has m [...]

Vizualizari: 342 in total, 6 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 34 in total

Australia (Sydney) - Steve

Sydney is the capital of the Australian state of New South Wales and the most populous city in Australia. It was founded in 1788. It is located on the east coast of the country, where it is washed by the Pacific Ocean. It is bordered on the west by the Blue Mountains. Sydney has the largest natural harbor in the world, Port Jackson, as well as more than 70 beaches, including the world-famous Bondi Beach. It has an area of 1,687 km2 and the population of the metropolitan area exceeds 6 million. I [...]

Vizualizari: 326 in total, 6 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 37 in total

Wildlife of Africa (oryx) - Steve

African fauna is, in a broader sense, all animals living in Africa, in the surrounding seas and on islands. The characteristic fauna is found mainly in the tropics, as well as north and south of the equator. Favorable conditions for the richness of the animal kingdom are created here. Africa is home to many well-known animal species. These include, for example, elephants, lions, rhinos, cheetahs, giraffes, leopards, zebras and others. We will gradually show the most famous in a series of present [...]

Vizualizari: 258 in total, 3 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 15 in total

Railway Lamps - Steve

In northwestern Hungary, in the immediate vicinity of the Austrian border, lies the village Fertőszéplak. An old peasant house hides a Central European unique. It is the private collection of József Haragovics - Museum of Railway Lamps. He has been improving it for over 40 years. Today, his collection contains more than 300 lamps representing railway companies from more than 30 countries, from the Netherlands and Cuba to the USA. The oldest specimen dates back to the middle of the 19th centur [...]

Vizualizari: 374 in total, 5 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 24 in total

China (Huangshan National Park 1) - Steve

Huangshan is a mountain range located in the eastern part of China in the province of Anhui, covering an area of 154 km2. Much of the mountain's reputation stems from its importance in Chinese fine art and literature. It is characterized by sharp points of rock massifs, which were formed by glaciers. The rocks are overgrown with deformed Huangshan pines. They are tenacious trees, growing from rock cracks and living for over a hundred years. Mountain tops often offer a view of the clouds from abo [...]

Vizualizari: 288 in total, 4 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 20 in total

Galapagos - Steve

The Galapagos Islands are an Ecuadorian province in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. It is an archipelago located on the equator about 1,000 km west of Ecuador. It consists of 14 larger volcanic islands. The largest island is Isabela. The archipelago has an area of 7,844 km² and about 31,000 inhabitants live there. The Galapagos were discovered by the Spanish in 1535. In the 17th and 18th centuries, pirates and travelers used the islands to replenish water supplies. In 1831, the British n [...]

Vizualizari: 135 in total, 1 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 30 in total

Ultimele comentarii scrise de Steve

Thank you very much Teodor for these kind words.

I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful Christmas and may the year 2022 be full of love, happiness, health and success.


Comentariu la Crăciun 2021 - Steve, data: 24.12.2021, 10:37

Thank you very much Felix especially on behalf of Gelio. He has the very interesting and high quality photos.

I still have about a hundred unpublished presentations. They will not published on internet until next year.

But if you're interested and send me your email address, I can send you my new presentations continuously. I make 3-4 presentations monthly.

At the same time, I process presentations as videos. These are stored on YouTube at:

I will be happy to include you among my friend to my mailing list.

Have a nice week.


Comentariu la Russia (Lake Baikal in winter) - Steve, data: 09.08.2021, 17:52

Vă mulțumesc Helmut în special în numele lui Dušan și Ivan. Au într-adevăr fotografii foarte interesante și de înaltă calitate.

Am încă aproximativ o sută de prezentări nepublicate. Nu veți intra pe internet decât anul viitor. Dar dacă sunteți interesat și îmi trimiteți adresa dvs. de e-mail, vă voi trimite noile mele prezentări în mod continuu. Fac 3-4 prezentări pe lună. Și folosesc în mare parte fotografii de Ivan și Dušan.

În același timp, procesez și prezentările ca videoclipuri. Acestea sunt stocate pe YouTube la:

Voi fi fericit să te pot include printre priateli mei.

Sa ai o saptamana frumoasa.

Steve (

Comentariu la USA (Grand Canyon) - Steve, data: 08.08.2021, 13:43

Thank you Teodora. Steve

Comentariu la South Africa's Floral Kingdom - Tony.Steve, data: 29.01.2021, 09:18

Mulțumesc pentru răspunsul amabil Helmut.

Mă bucur că Teodora vă trimite prezentările mele.

Dacă doriți să vi le trimit direct, vă rog să-mi scrieți la

Voi fi fericit.

Eu doar traduc texte folosind Google Translator.

Sa ai o saptamana frumoasa.


Comentariu la The most beautiful places in Europe 1 - Tony, Steve, data: 01.12.2020, 18:29

Thank you very much Karel.

I will try not to disappoint your trust.


Comentariu la The most beautiful places in Europe 1 - Tony, Steve, data: 01.12.2020, 18:21

Mulțumesc foarte mult Helmut.

Am încă aproximativ 50 de prezentări nepublicate.

Noile mele prezentări vor fi online până în primăvara anului viitor.

De fiecare dată când finalizez o nouă prezentare, o trimit prin e-mail prietenilor mei.

Te pot adăuga ca prieten?

Sa ai o saptamana frumoasa.

Steve (

Comentariu la The most beautiful places in Europe 1 - Tony, Steve, data: 30.11.2020, 10:32