
Membru din 22.03.2012, 0 abonati

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Ultimele comentarii scrise de Tricia

Thank You so very much,for all your Brilliant Pps,I cannot give a commentri
on them,as I can only speak English.

They are commented by everyone I send them too,your ART ones,are just
Unbeleivable !! SUPER !! .I also show different countries to Aged People in the
Nursing Homes,as many of them have come from these Countries,thier original Homeland.

I can Only Express to you my Thanks,for allowing me the Previlage of visiting your pps site and being able to download.
Thank You Once Again Nicepps.Ro
Tricia.Sydney Australia

Comentariu la WINTER,WINTER.pps, data: 22.03.2012, 10:35