Prezentari din data de 31 octombrie 2020 - 5 prezentari

Angola (2) - Clara,Steve

Angola is a west-coast country of south-central Africa. The capital and largest city is Luanda. It lies on the Atlantic coast in the northwest of the country. A highly multiethnic country has 25,8 million inhabitants. Angolan culture reflects centuries of Portuguese rule, in the predominance of the Portuguese language and of the Catholic Church. It is the world's twenty-third largest country - twice the size of France. Angola's climate is characterized by two seasons: rainfall from October to Ap [...]

Granada, La Alhambra

Alhambra din Granada este unul dintre cele mai importante monumente de arhitectură islamică. Acesta, împreună cu Marea Moschee din Cordoba sunt cele mai prestigioase dovezi ale prezenței musulmane în Spania din secolul VIII până în secolul XV [...]

Mexico (this is Campeche) - Lalo, Steve

Campeche is a Mexican state located partly on the Yucatan Peninsula on the Gulf Coast. It has an area of 57,507 km² and a population of 849,617, half of whom live in the capital - Campeche. Until XVI. century this area was inhabited by the Maya peoples. Their seat Edzná is the most important archaeological site. The surface of the state is lowland, largely covered with forest. The country has a hot and humid climate. The large amount of precipitation affects the amount of rivers and lakes. The [...]

Norway - Tony.Steve

Norway is a Scandinavian country with mountains, glaciers and deep coastal fjords. Oslo, the capital is a city of green spaces and museums. In the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo are preserved ships from IX. century. With colorful wooden houses, Bergen is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing, especially at the Lillehammer Olympic Center. Steve [...]

Peyriac de Mer

Peyriac-de-Mer este o comună în departamentul Aude din sudul Franței. În 2009 avea o populație de 997 de locuitori. [...]