Prezentari din data de 26 ianuarie 2023 - 8 prezentari

Argentina (Tierra del Fuego NP) - Steve

Fuego National Park is located on the Argentine part of the island Tierra del Fuego, 11 km from the town Ushuaia. It was founded in 1960. This natural wilderness has an area of almost 630 km2. The Panamerican Highway ends in the park, but it is also possible to visit it by the southernmost working railway in the world - the End of the World Train. The park represents two ecoregions - Altos Andes and Patagonian Forest. These diverse habitats are home to diverse fauna and flora. The southern part [...]

Biblie Vechiul Testament - Geneza Capitolul 2

Ziua odihnei Domnului. Omul in mijlocul lumii si al raiului. Intaia familie [...]

Biblie Vechiul Testament - Geneza Capitolul 3

Caderea primilor oameni. Pedeapsa si fagaduinta [...]

Biblie Vechiul Testament - Geneza Capitolul 4

Cain si Abel; urmasii lor. [...]

Biblie Vechiul Testament - Geneza Capitolul 5

Patriarhii de dinainte de potop [...]

Palau (beautiful nature) - Steve

The Republic of Palau is one of the youngest countries in the world. After a long colonial period, it gained independence in 1994. It is an island country in the Pacific Ocean about 500 km east of the Philippines. It forms the westernmost part of the Caroline Islands. The first inhabitants came to the islands around 1000 BC. The islands were probably discovered by the Spanish traveler Ruy López de Villalobos in 1543. Palau consists of 26 islands and about 300 islets, all but 6 of which lie in a [...]

Picturi murale nominalizate pentru prmiile anului 2022.

Picturile murale realizate de artiști din peste 40 de țări, îmbogățesc peisajul urban a peste 1200 de orașe din toată lumea ,devenind pe zi ce trece o manifestare culturală tot mai mult apreciată de majoritatea oamenilor. Festivalurile desfășurate cu această temă își desemnează în fiecare an câștigătorii ,după nominalizări și voturi deschise publicului . [...]

Wildlife of Africa (antelope) - Steve

African fauna is, in a broader sense, all animals living in Africa, in the surrounding seas and on islands. The characteristic fauna is found mainly in the tropics, as well as north and south of the equator. Favorable conditions for the richness of the animal kingdom are created here. Africa is home to many well-known animal species. These include, for example, elephants, lions, rhinos, cheetahs, giraffes, leopards, zebras and others. We will gradually show the most famous in a series of present [...]