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Wildlife of Africa (oryx) - Steve

African fauna is, in a broader sense, all animals living in Africa, in the surrounding seas and on islands. The characteristic fauna is found mainly in the tropics, as well as north and south of the equator. Favorable conditions for the richness of the animal kingdom are created here. Africa is home to many well-known animal species. These include, for example, elephants, lions, rhinos, cheetahs, giraffes, leopards, zebras and others. We will gradually show the most famous in a series of present [...]

Railway Lamps - Steve

In northwestern Hungary, in the immediate vicinity of the Austrian border, lies the village Fertőszéplak. An old peasant house hides a Central European unique. It is the private collection of József Haragovics - Museum of Railway Lamps. He has been improving it for over 40 years. Today, his collection contains more than 300 lamps representing railway companies from more than 30 countries, from the Netherlands and Cuba to the USA. The oldest specimen dates back to the middle of the 19th centur [...]

China (Huangshan National Park 1) - Steve

Huangshan is a mountain range located in the eastern part of China in the province of Anhui, covering an area of 154 km2. Much of the mountain's reputation stems from its importance in Chinese fine art and literature. It is characterized by sharp points of rock massifs, which were formed by glaciers. The rocks are overgrown with deformed Huangshan pines. They are tenacious trees, growing from rock cracks and living for over a hundred years. Mountain tops often offer a view of the clouds from abo [...]

Galapagos - Steve

The Galapagos Islands are an Ecuadorian province in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. It is an archipelago located on the equator about 1,000 km west of Ecuador. It consists of 14 larger volcanic islands. The largest island is Isabela. The archipelago has an area of 7,844 km² and about 31,000 inhabitants live there. The Galapagos were discovered by the Spanish in 1535. In the 17th and 18th centuries, pirates and travelers used the islands to replenish water supplies. In 1831, the British n [...]

Czech Republic (Bohemian Central Mountains) - Vladimír, Steve

The Bohemian Central Mountains (Böhmisches Mittelgebirge in German) is an area created by volcanic activity with an area of 1265 km². More than 84 % belong to the Protected Landscape Area, established in 1976. The highest point is Milešovka with a height of 836 m above sea level. The Elbe Valley forms the axis of the Central Highlands. The streams exposed the solidified subsurface magma and deepened the valley, thus the Bohemian Central Mountains acquired a majestic landscape character.. Fore [...]

Croatia (Dubrovnik) - Steve

Dubrovnik is a city in southern Dalmatia, Croatia, by the Adriatic Sea. It is a seaport and county center. It is one of the most important tourist destinations in the area. It has more than 40,000 inhabitants and is visited by more than a million tourists annually. Since 1979, it has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site thanks to its medieval architecture and city walls. The history of the city dates back to the 7th century, when it was known as Ragusa. It was under the protection of the [...]

Australia (Sydney - Fish Market) - Steve

The Sydney Fish Market is a fish market in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The market sits on the Blackwattle Bay, 2 kilometres west of the Sydney central business district. It is the world's third largest fish market and a world-class tourist and cultural attraction. It was established in 1945 by the state government and was privatised in 1994. There are daily wholesale auctions for Sydney's seafood retailers. The mural inside Sydney Fish Market was designed by Australian artist Keith Howla [...]

Armenia (Yerevan at night) - Steve

Yerevan is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Its history dates back to the 8th century BC. It was then that King Argisthim I founded the fortress of Erebuni, which was to be a large administrative and religious center. In the Late Ancient Kingdom of Armenia, the importance of Yerevan gradually declined. After World War I, Yerevan became the capital of the First Republic of Armenia. It lies in the heart of the Armenian Highlands in the northeastern part of the Ararat M [...]

Dream On - Visează în continuare - Aerosmith - Tradus în limba română

Muzica: Aerosmith - Dream On - Visează în continuare Traducerea:ă-în-continuare.html Picturi: Darren Crowley; Irlanda de Nord, Regatul Unit „Piesa «Dream On» este o baladă puternică a celor de la Aerosmith, de pe albumul lor de debut omonim din 1973. Scrisă de solistul Steven Tyler, această melodie a fost primul lor hit major și a devenit un element clasic de radio rock . În 2004, revista Ro [...]

Biblie Vechiul Testament Isaia Capitolul 14

Proorocie împotriva Babilonului [...]

Un Paste Luminat

Un pps deosebit realizat de doamna Teodora Buita si publicat deja, cu ani in urma, la L-am gasit deosebit si actual , cum eu nu pot realiza asemenea pps-uri, ca sa va pot ura de Pastele Ortodox, sanatate, fericire, si implinirea tuturor dorintelor, mi-am permis (cu acordul doamnei Teodora) sa-l public din nou. Un Paste fericit, sanatate si bucurie va doresc tuturora. [...]

Cadou Pentru un orb

Ce poate sa fie mai groaznic ? Sa fii sanatos dar sa fi orb ! Un deosebit de trist pps. A mai fost publicat dar este deosebit de actual acum la inceput de primavara. [...]


O melodie deosebita: Un pps creat de domnul Jose Antonio , alias Jagadir, cu malodia cantata de Silvia Perez Cruz din Spania. O mica pauza dupa prima imagine care nu deranjeaza derularea automata. Auditie placuta [...]

Paradises on Earth

Un splendid pps : Paradise din intreaga lume. Nu cunosc autorul, dar este un pps primit prin e-mail de la mult apreciata mea colega (la Nicepps) doamna Teodora Buita. Un pps de o deosebita frumusete ce ar fi pacat sa nu fie vazut si de alti prieteni ai Nicepps-ului. Am primit consimtamintul de la doamna Teodora sa-l public. [...]

Povesti cu trenuri

Transportul feroviar a apărut în Anglia, de unde s-a extins în întreaga lume. George Stephenson, considerat părintele căilor ferate, care a construit în 1829 locomotiva cu abur. Debutul propriu-zis al căii ferate a avut loc cu ocazia inaugurării relaţiei Liverpool – Manchester pe data de 15 septembrie 1830. [...]

Portugal - fête du papier (Portugalia - festivalul hartiei)

O dată la 4 ani, la începutul lunii iulie, la Tomar are loc un festival ca niciun altul „Festa dos Tabuleiros”. Decorul din hârtie se pregateste mai ales in timpul priveghiilor. E nevoie de mii de dimensiuni și modele diferite pentru a decora „tabuleiros” (platouri) care dau numele festivalui. [...]

Mercado de la cebolla (Piata cepei)

În fiecare an, în a patra zi de luni a lunii noiembrie, în orașul elvețian Berna are loc Zibelemärit sau Piața Cepei. Este un festival cu o mare tradiție care datează din secolul al XIX-lea. [...]

Ermitaj, partea privata (acuarele de pictorul estonian Hau)

Hau Edward Petrovich, un cunoscut pictor, acuarelist la mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea. Originar din orașul baltic Reval (acum Tallinn) a studiat la Academia de Arte Frumoase din Dresda. In 1838, a primit de la Academia Imperială de Arte Frumoase gradul de artist. A devenit cunoscut pentru imaginile sale stricte în acuarelă ale interioarelor Ermitului, care au fost reprezentate și reprezintă o mare valoare pentru istoria culturii ruse. Aici sunt câteva dintre ele. [...]

El lenguaje de las flores (Limbajul florilor)

Florile au propriul lor limbaj, care este o tradiție. În vremurile romantice, când era căutată floarea albastră, îndrăgostiții își mărturiseau sentimentele în limbajul florilor. „Nu există nimeni care să te poată iubi cu mai multă ardoare decât mine” (garoafa albă). Bogăția naturii a permis dialoguri pline de afecțiune. Orice floare transmitea o limbă. [...]

Criaturas extranas (Creaturi ciudate)

Cazuri de endemism, specii care au evoluat într-un sit izolat unde dobândesc caracteristici unice. [...]