Prezentari din data de 25 aprilie 2023 - 15 prezentari


Această prezentare începe cu vederi ale Betleemului, continuă cu câteva fotografii generale ale orașului, înainte de a se încheia cu scene specifice legate de ciobani și viața de acasă. Sursa originală a acestor imagini este colecția de fotografii G. Eric și Edith Matson de la U.S. Library of Congress. [...]

Biblie Vechiul Testament -Numerii Capitolul 14

Poporul carteste, Domnul Se manie, Moise se roaga. Iertare si pedeapsa. [...]

Biblie Vechiul Testament -Numerii Capitolul 15

Felurite jertfe. Pedeapsa pentru calcarea zilei de odihna. [...]

Biblie Vechiul Testament -Numerii Capitolul 16

Razvratirea lui Core, Datan si Abiron. [...]

Biblie Vechiul Testament -Numerii Capitolul 17

Adeverirea preotiei lui Aaron: toiagul odraslit. [...]

Biblie Vechiul Testament -Numerii Capitolul 18

. Slujba si veniturile preotilor si levitilor.

Biblie Vechiul Testament -Numerii Capitolul 19

Apa care curata intinarea. [...]

Biblie Vechiul Testament -Numerii Capitolul 20

Moartea Mariamei. Apa din piatra. Moartea lui Aaron. [...]

Czech Republic (Kuks) - Steve

In the picturesque valley of the Elbe River lies the village Kuks. It is particularly remarkable for its partially preserved Baroque spa and hospital from the turn of the 17th and 18th century. It was one of the most spectacular spas in Europe at that time. Only the cascading staircase and the inn have been preserved from the castle and the spa. On the right side of the Elbe there is a hospital together with the Church of the Holy Trinity. The unsurpassed artistic peak presents a series of alleg [...]

Ethiopia (Dallol) - Steve

Dallol is a site in the Danakil Depression in northern Ethiopia. It is located in the Afar region and lies about 130 meters below sea level. It has an extremely hot desert climate. Dallol became known to the world in 2004, thanks to a documentary by National Geographic. There is an active hydrothermal system with many springs, terrace systems and fumaroles. In the sixties, the highest average annual temperature was recorded here, namely 34.6 °C, which is a record for a inhabited place on Earth. [...]

India (Andaman Islands) - Jucago,Steve

The Andaman Islands form an archipelago in the Bay of Bengal between India in the west and Myanmar in the north and east. Most of them are part of the islands of Andaman and Nicobar, which are Indian territory. A small number of islands in the north of the archipelago, belong to Myanmar. The Andaman Islands are home to the Andamanese, who are the original inhabitants. [...]

India, Delhi, 20 de temple deosebite

Din sutele de temple din Delhi cei dela au ales 20 de temple considerate de ei ca fiind deosebite. [...]

Kneel down and say thank - Steve

Another song by our amateur author from Slovakia. "Thanks for living in such a beautiful country." Nice listening... [...]