Prezentari PowerPoint din categoria 'Natura'

Galapagos - Steve

The Galapagos Islands are an Ecuadorian province in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. It is an archipelago located on the equator about 1,000 km west of Ecuador. It consists of 14 larger volcanic islands. The largest island is Isabela. The archipelago has an area of 7,844 km² and about 31,000 inhabitants live there. The Galapagos were discovered by the Spanish in 1535. In the 17th and 18th centuries, pirates and travelers used the islands to replenish water supplies. In 1831, the British n [...]

Czech Republic (Bohemian Central Mountains) - Vladimír, Steve

The Bohemian Central Mountains (Böhmisches Mittelgebirge in German) is an area created by volcanic activity with an area of 1265 km². More than 84 % belong to the Protected Landscape Area, established in 1976. The highest point is Milešovka with a height of 836 m above sea level. The Elbe Valley forms the axis of the Central Highlands. The streams exposed the solidified subsurface magma and deepened the valley, thus the Bohemian Central Mountains acquired a majestic landscape character.. Fore [...]

Mi-este dor de acasa.

" Dorul este focul in care ard sperantele, dorintele, durerile, iar cenusa ce ramane reprezinta amintirile " Octavian Paler

Primavare - fiecare floare are o poveste 2

„Oricat de batrani si nepunticiosi am fi, intotdeauna vom astepta cu nerabdare primavara. Cine poate sa reziste sentimentului de bucurie si de fericire de care esti animat atunci cand participi la renasterea ei ?” Anonim [...]

Primava - fiecare floare are o poveste 3

„Iubesc primavara oriunde,dar daca as putea alege, as intampina-o mereu in gradina.” Ruth Stout [...]

Primava - fiecare floare are o poveste

Florile care “se nasc” odata ce soarele dezgheata pamantul au si ele o povestioara a lor.  „Nici o iarna nu dureaza o vesnicie ; nici o primavara nu isi lasa mult timp asteptata sosirea”  Hal Borland Este prima parte,urmeaza inca 2 parti cu istorioare despre florile primaverii. [...]

Daca as sti sa pictez Primavara!!!

“Dacă as sti să pictez,as lua paleta mea de culori si pensulele Să picteze primăvara ca impresionistii Prin atingeri de culori in degrade : De la maro la galben si apoi la verde” [...]

Calatorind prin tara cantoanelor - Elvetia.

Frumusetea nu se gaseste in cuvinte, nu se poate descrie ea trebue vazuta si traita. Asa cum am promis am revenit in Elvetia, tara celor 26 de cantoane. Nu mi-a fost usor sa aleg fotografiile potrivite din atatea cantoane.. Sper sa va placa. Vizionalizare placuta. [...]

Calatorie prin Elvetia

Urmati-ma printr´o calatorie prin frumoasa Elvetia. Drum bun. [...]

Am traversat masivul Watzmann.

Am traversat masivul muntos Watzmann, cel mai inalt munte aflat in intregime pe teritoriul Germaniei cu o inaltime de 2713 m. Traversare, una din cele mai frumoase, cere multa concentratie si conditie fizica, dar este accesibila si turistilor experimentati fara frica de inaltime. Vizualizare placuta. [...]

Wildlife of Africa (monkey) - Steve

African fauna is, in a broader sense, all animals living in Africa, in the surrounding seas and on islands. The characteristic fauna is found mainly in the tropics, as well as north and south of the equator. Favorable conditions for the richness of the animal kingdom are created here. Africa is home to many well-known animal species. These include, for example, elephants, lions, rhinos, cheetahs, giraffes, leopards, zebras and others. We will gradually show the most famous in a series of present [...]

Bolivia (Laguna Blanca) - Steve

The Andean Altiplano is the area where the Andes are widest. It is the largest plateau on Earth after Tibet. Most of the Altiplano is in Bolivia, but its northern part is in Peru and its southern part in Chile and Argentina. The Laguna Blanca salt lake is located in the Bolivian part of the Altiplano, in its southwestern part. It was named after its whitish color, caused by the high content of dissolved minerals. The lake lies at an altitude of 4,350 m and covers an area of 10.9 km2. It is a ver [...]